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One year Anniversary of Marie The Coach | Wow let's take a step back

Wow, its already been a year. Gosh...I can barely believe it as I write those words down. I really wondered a year ago, what today would be like, feel like and if I would have had the strengths to push my company where I wanted it to be: Job accomplished!

For starters, screw the pandemic, starting a business is tough whatever period we are in but doing it in a new country, with no network, in a middle of a massive grief, was really hard BUT I tapped on my strengths and got creative. My Gallup strengths helped tons #1 Context #2 Self-assurance #3 Positivity #4 Arranger #5 Activator & #9 Ideation and I really tapped on those during covid to make sure that in 1 year from now, I would be proud of what I had accomplished.

A year later here's what it looks like in the big lines:

- Month #1 | Had clients in Europe & SG

- Month #4 | Joined LHH as a Contractor

- Month #8 | Got Gallup Certified

- Month #8 | Got ACC Certified

- Month #9 | Signed a contract with Better-up but still had to do all the onboarding

- Month #10 | Signed a contract with Coaching Professional [my ICF Mentor]

- Month #11 | Signed a Contrat with Ezra to be a Leadership Coach

- Month #12 | Got into Journey to Mastery after the Ace Program from Wbecs

- Month #12 | Have worked with countless clients in Australia, Singapore, Brazil, UK, France etc

When I was coached by other coaches, I have been told that I do not take enough time to acknowledge & celebrate my own wins. I will then take that time today and in the coming weeks to enjoy a well deserved break and have some celebrationS.

For a yea, I have been excited to start my day every morning because I am helping amazing people worldwide to find their career paths. I remember that one of the coaches from my training said "there are enough people to help in the world, no need for competition when all of us can make a difference together" it is so true!

I want to give a shout-out to my hubby, my mom, my friend Patricia Mauclair who always bounces back my ideas with me and everyone else that supports me in this journey, there are so many of you, so, to all of you, thank you!

Coaches, you've all got this! We can make make a difference together so let's connect :)

Did my story inspire you? It can 100% be yours too! I have often struggled in my career but somehow knew I was working toward something and that with any new skills, I would be okay.

I've had so many calls, coffees, chats with other coaches, new connections, friends, asking me how I did it and this is when I realised, I did it right. A year ago, I was the one making those calls. A couple of Sundays ago, I told a friend of mine, who is wondering about launching her own business, "Remember that Steve Jobs started in his garage, at least, we can work from our own flats". We had the biggest laugh, women are being empowered everywhere in the world because our time to shine has come. I cannot wait to see if she launches her dream business too.

Ask yourself this one thing: If you can afford [whatever it means to you] to start that journey, if your partner / friends / family support your decision, what is stopping you from starting your business ? "Fear"?But what else ?

Let's discuss your career goals together and make YOU shine in a career you choose and LOVE because you are on the RIGHT path:

Happy 1 year anniversary to me, I couldn't be more excited! I am started this 1 year with a 2 week break - YAY! It'll soon be time for champagne!

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