Oh wow and here it is, I remember in 2020 when I thought “gosh I wonder where I will be with my company in 3 years” - after all 3 years is what you give a new company to see if it’s viable or not.
You know, I am often told that I need to see my wins a bit more and instead I always keep moving forward without taking a pause. For my 3 years anniversary, I am giving myself the gift of slowing down, reflection and learning.
When I think of the journey, I have had, I am proud to have pushed through and gotten all those achievements for myself, my career and be where I am now ; which was exactly where I wanted to be when I left Singapore. This helps make sense of leaving a life and friends we adored. Leaving Singapore felt like, the best life I had was being taken from me against my will even though I accepted it. Thinking about it now, leaving London didn't feel like that, I was just done with it, it probably took more from me than it gave me. Serious burn out after leaving London... what a life!
I have now reached my goal that was to be my own boss, do my own hours, decide my schedule, do loads of learning, be a mom, have fun during the ride 😍
Being a Gallup strengths coach, I have Context as #1 strength, therefore, I want to share with you some context on my journey. I hope to inspire you, help you reflect or maybe become more aware of people's mindset, around you in your personal or professional life. I am sure that people struggle with life changes, whatever they are, becoming an expat, quitting a job you loved, starting over, becoming a parent, feeling lonely in a new beginning… and one that not a lot of people talk about but suffer from… GRIEF at work (that one is a tough one, I assure you) 😶🌫️
Grief can be from a former life, a job, an environment, from people that moved really far from you leaving you feel alone when you are not or from loved ones that passed away...
Here are the highlights of my journey, my success, that were actually built through a lot of grief and now make my timeline:
October 2019 : quit my job & did a Coaching Training in order to launch MTC in Oz
November 2019: turned 30 y/o and felt like I needed some answers in life
December 2019: went to Brazil to meet my birth family
December 2019: my friend Anne-Charlotte helped me come up with a logo for my company when I had just landed in Sao Paulo
December 2019: met my birth mom, half sisters, niece… emotional time
December 2019: A week later one of my uncle passed from cancer in a week
December 2019: We moved to Australia for a new start
January 2019: A few days after we moved my favourite aunt passed away and her husband followed a year later - he was my favourite uncle
November 2021 - celebrating my last birthday before becoming a mom 3.5 months later, one of my childhood friend, turned 30 y/o and passed away after fighting cancer for 5 years, she was cremated on my birthday…
The list of loss unfortunately continues but that is not the point…
We all get our energy from somewhere and in the last 3 years, I have been driven by the loss of loved ones and pushing myself to do what they couldn’t. I have been grateful to be where I am now, present in everything I do and helping people's growth allowing them to be their best self.
As a Strengths Career Coach, making a difference in your journey and helping you build the career you deserve is a gift. I am glad that my journey has led me here and I hope to support more of you in the near future. Coaching makes a true difference in people's lives as it helps them seek the best in themselves and decide on the next right move for them.
See you soon?
Cheers to 3 years and more to come.
